By Justin James

If you are going to host virtual events, you need to get used to being on camera and have the same confidence as you have when you are on an in-person stage. The more you are on camera, the more you will forget the camera is even there.

By Justin James

To many times I see event host like yourself wait until they are ready to start marketing their event before they start creating content to attract their ideal client.  Start creating content today that attracts your ideal client so that when you release a new program they are ready to jump on the opportunity.

By Justin James

If you are going to host virtual events, you need to get used to being on camera and have the same confidence as you have when you are on an in-person stage. The more you are on camera, the more you will forget the camera is even there.

By Justin James

This week we will tackle an issue we have repeatedly seen with our client's event after event, with Zoom getting slower and slower and slower as the day goes on. The event starts out great with Zoom immediately responding to your every action: unmute, turn on the camera, share screen, etc. Then Zoom slowly gets to the point where you are afraid that if you take any action, it will crash and instantly disconnect you from your event.

By Justin James

This week we are going to look at you can stop asking your audience if they can see your screen when you share it and instead know with 100% confidence that your screen is shared and what it looks like to the audience.

By Justin James

We will share the 7 steps you can immediately take to make your embedded Vimeo videos on your website and funnels look way more professional.

By Justin James

After two years of everything being virtual, it is no longer okay just to have a basic setup. Having just a basic setup will get you lost in the crowd.....

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